Please Help. Need to Budget car Insurance $80/ mo and gas $100/mo on Social Services Budget?

Please Help. Need to Budget car Insurance $80/ mo and gas $100/mo on Social Services Budget?

Need to Budget car Insurance $80/ mo and gas $100/mo on Social Services Budget I was part of the middle of the middle class who had graduated college and had lost their job. I have been looking for more work but with things the way they are, it has been a challenge. I understand that the economy has hit most of us pretty hard with money being tight for many and social services might have been used in the past by those who may not have respected what it was meant for. Many of us thought we never would be financially tested this way but this is whats happening. I have gratitude that this system is in place for us when we fall so we have what we need to get back on our feet when things or times get hard. I have never been on social services aka welfare before but I have a situation. To start I live in New York. Laws might be different depending on your state. I did lose my job and have been looking for work. In the moment, I am financially dependent on my boyfriend to support me. He has a job that pays our bills. He did some things and the relationship changed into awkwardness and it's just over. I am still dependent on his income but have been looking into social services as an option while I am still looking for work for myself. From what I understand, social services pays a max of about $430 per month when a person is unemployed. This is for everythingThey give nothing else or extra for rent, utilities or anything else. After a lot of searching I found a room for rent for $429 a month that includes everything. It is not in the safest places for a woman that these rents are so cheap but I did find them. Finding rooms for rent that fit within this budget has been a challenge. I was told food could be provided by food stamps and other resources. My concern is, as I'm looking at these numbers, how I am going to pay for my car insurance and gas. I have an older Hyundai and insurance is $80 per month. Gas is a conservative minimum of $100 per month. My question: I do need my car to get off the system while looking for work and getting whatever I can start all over with. How can I pay for car insurance ($80/mo) and gas ($100/mo) while on welfare aka social services. .


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





Do you think i could get a used car and insurance with under $3k?

i really need a car to get around, i have full time job, n part-time student. It's getting to my nerves that whenever i need to go somewhere, i have to ask my brother or sister to take me. Yes i am a student 18 yo, i don't have much money, and my parents refuse to buy me a car, reason because my mom said insurance is too expensive, and she doesn't give a shitt about me. Do you think i could get it anywhere? i was thinking about buying the car 1st then insurance later on because i can't afford it. idk what should i do?



A first car for a 16?

i am wanting a 97' Toyota Camry with 150,000 miles on it. It is $4,300 is this a good first car? And how much does insurance on it cost? I also like saturn l200 are they good cars?



Can you not buy a car unless you have insurance?

I'm looking at cars now and It seems like I can't but a car or do a title transfer unless I have insurance. So do I have to buy insurance before I even buy a car? My parents don't have insurance themselves...



Does auto insurance cost more in Las Vegas than los Angeles?

Does auto insurance cost more in Las Vegas than los Angeles?



Where can I find the cheapest auto and motorcycle insurance in Tennessee?

the absolute cheapest state minimum just to drive legal



How much will my insurance go up?

Had an accident which insurance said its my fault both cars been write off third party cars worth 10k mine 6 k I pay 2 grand a year now how much will it go up at renewal?



Insurance on a 2003 Ford Mustang Mach 1?

How much would insurance be on this car? I'm 16, almost 17, in Arizona, by the way. The car has a V8 engine.



Car insurance quotes online?

Where can i find good companies info on quotes in online



Car accident with someone who will not respond back to the insurance for verification?

Someone with insurance rear ended me. I took his insurance information and called his insurance the following day to report the accident. The person who rear ended me did not call the insurance and he is not responding to his own insurance who are trying to get ahold of him to confirm the accident. It's been three weeks. His insurance called me yesterday and said that I need to use my own insurance for get my car fixed. I have a note written by the person who rear ended me admitting that he did cause the accident. What legal actions can I take against the person who rear ended me?



How do you feel about insurance companies pulling your credit report?

I live in Michigan a state where it is law to have insurance. I have also been denied insurance by a certain large insurance company based on my credit score. I just don't think they should be able to pull your credit report if your required by state law to carry it. Hey if i don't pay it cancel me.



Where can I get the Cheapest Car Insurance Quotes at Online?

How can I find the cheapest car insurance for me? I just got my first car and I know I will prolly pay a lot for insurance but how can I check for deals? I am on a really tight budget but at the same time, I only have a second-hand car so I gotta make sure I get insurance that will pay out if I need to make a claim. Where can I get the cheapest car insurance for my car at, and how reliable is it if I need to claim??



Will I get a car insurance rate hike?

In Pennsylvania, if you are given a traffic citation, and are told points will NOT be accessed on your driving record with DMV, will my car insurance stilll go up?



Primary insurance?????????????/?

So I took my Daughter to the doctor today she is on ARkids. everything went fine at the Doctors but when i went to get her RX they said i would have to pay 81 dollars because of my primary insurance. I dont have Primary insurance she has only had ARkids. well they told me it was through her (sperm donor) father. that had not had anything to do with her for 2 years. she is 5 and when he did it was off and on. well how is this right I have custody of her. I can not afford her meds with his insurance making me pay. when it was just her insurance i didnt have to pay since it is his doesn't he have to pay? I dont know how to get ahold of him like i said no contact nothing for 2 years. she never gets sick.. i havent had to get her any meds or take her to the doc for like 5 mo.or more.



What would be more affordable?

a 2003-2004 mustang v6? or a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? insurance wise. serious answers only please. thanks.



How does car insurance work?

So I am planning on asking my friend to borrow his car to drive when he's going to travel, but I do not have any insurance. Is it okay for me to drive? His car has insurance, but I do not have insurance under my name. Does that mean if I bump into something, I will get into trouble, even though the car has insurance?



Incorrect no claims bonus quoted on my renewal for car insurance?

I have recently had my renewal quote through from my current car insurer and have noticed it states more years for my no claims bonus then I've actually got. I've looked back at my previous paperwork and it looks like I made a massive error. I really wanted to stay with the same insurer but know I will need to inform them of the error. Has anyone been in this situation before? Not sure what happens! :0



Where can I find affordable car insurance in PA for college students?

I will be learning to drive pretty soon and I want to know the cheapest and affordable car insurance out there for students.



Hu is the cheapest car insurance for dr10?

Hu is the cheapest car insurance for dr10?



Florida motorcycle insurance?

So I have a small 49 cc scooter that is street legal and I drive through the roads like everyone else. In Florida it's not necessary to have insurance on this small of an engine bike, so I don't. My question is, in the case of an accident that's NOT MY fault such as a car rear ends me at a traffic light or any other incident, can I still claim anything? Will the other persons insurance still fix or replace my bike? Will the other persons insurance cover me in any needed doctor visits?



What is the best Dental insurance around in Illinois?

I need a dental insurance that pays 50 to 75 of all dental care including oral surgen. My boyfriend needs a lot of work done on his teeth. He is scared of death of the denist, he has to be put to sleep and he has to have all the work done at one time. Can anyone help me please.



Car insurance?

Does anyone know of any insurance company's where you can be on your parents insuance but still get no claims? Thanks



How can I get car insurance?

I just turned 18, i'm going off too college but I have a stable part time job. I make about 500-800$ with a car payment of 300$ And i want to buy a policy for myself. Before i look into that I wanna know about how much should I expect to pay extra monthly?



Will my grandfathers insurance go up if I was using the car?

My grandfather let me use his car for work one day (I have no car of my own) and I got a ticket. I went to court today for it, the gave me one point on my license. Will this effect his insurance even though its not my car and I am not on the policy? Or will it only effect my insurance when I get a car of my own?



How much does the car really influence the insurance premium?

I never had an accident, or points on my license. Would my insurance really go up if i were to trade a beetle in for a convertible eclipse (used, an 03)? I've always heard the sporty the car the higher the insurance, but is that true?



Does this guy need a license and insurance?

Someone's advertising a fitness class in the local park, for 5 an hour. He claims he's a personal trainer. Does he need a license, permission to train in the park because technically he's running a business, and insurance to run the group??


Please Help. Need to Budget car Insurance $80/ mo and gas $100/mo on Social Services Budget?

Need to Budget car Insurance $80/ mo and gas $100/mo on Social Services Budget I was part of the middle of the middle class who had graduated college and had lost their job. I have been looking for more work but with things the way they are, it has been a challenge. I understand that the economy has hit most of us pretty hard with money being tight for many and social services might have been used in the past by those who may not have respected what it was meant for. Many of us thought we never would be financially tested this way but this is whats happening. I have gratitude that this system is in place for us when we fall so we have what we need to get back on our feet when things or times get hard. I have never been on social services aka welfare before but I have a situation. To start I live in New York. Laws might be different depending on your state. I did lose my job and have been looking for work. In the moment, I am financially dependent on my boyfriend to support me. He has a job that pays our bills. He did some things and the relationship changed into awkwardness and it's just over. I am still dependent on his income but have been looking into social services as an option while I am still looking for work for myself. From what I understand, social services pays a max of about $430 per month when a person is unemployed. This is for everythingThey give nothing else or extra for rent, utilities or anything else. After a lot of searching I found a room for rent for $429 a month that includes everything. It is not in the safest places for a woman that these rents are so cheap but I did find them. Finding rooms for rent that fit within this budget has been a challenge. I was told food could be provided by food stamps and other resources. My concern is, as I'm looking at these numbers, how I am going to pay for my car insurance and gas. I have an older Hyundai and insurance is $80 per month. Gas is a conservative minimum of $100 per month. My question: I do need my car to get off the system while looking for work and getting whatever I can start all over with. How can I pay for car insurance ($80/mo) and gas ($100/mo) while on welfare aka social services. .


How can forcing us to buy health insurance, be the same as mandatory car insurance?

I don't own a car, so I don't pay car insurance. Nobody is forcing me to buy it. But under the Obama individual mandate, we will all have to buy insurance or get fined. This is based on the assumption that you will get sick and not be able to afford your own care, and so will choose to be a burden. Those are a lot of assumptions. Can we force somebody to buy something that they don't want, based on assumptions that may or may not be true??



How much would insurance cost on a 49cc scooter?

I'm 30 year old and live in Leeds / UK , iv never had a car or motobike before so all this is new to me , I know roughly price of tax ,mot, cbt, but id like to no roughly price of insurance for me on a 49cc scooter so I no how much I can spend on the bike , the bike when id get it would b chained up and stored in a locked garage over night , I'm not able to reply to answers or add info after iv sent this question so more info the better please



Would insurance be cheaper on a 99-01 mustang GT than on a newer 02-04 for a new driver?

I was thinking about getting a mustang GT sometime after I turn 18 and after I get a job. Right now im 16 and have no license but im going to take drivers ed soon.



For my first car, what engine size and car do you recommend I get?

What engine size do you recommend I get? Is a 1.4 liter a lot for a first car? Also, I understand the fact the bigger the engine, the higher the insurance will cost, but since I know nothing about cars I do not really know about all this engine size stuff. Also, apart from insurance, I understand about road tax and MOT, can you tell me how often I need to have an MOT and how much it costs? Thanks.



Scion much woul i pay monthly with car & insurance?

Im 19, been driving for two years, no accidents, no tickets or anything like that. I juss ont know how muc it woud be monthly. if anyone knows please.



Where do you get a semen analysis performed in southern California without insurance? ?

I have looked all over the Internet! !! We live near orange county and la county he has no insurance. Please help! !!



Are the Smart Fortwo car's insurance cheaper?

it got good crash ratings and a cheap car.



My Car Insurance won't pay for my car accident?

I Totaled my 2000 ford mustang gt at an intersection, it was my fault. I ran into a car, and that car hit the car in front of him as a result. So technically i was responsible for damages of 2 cars. I only had liability so i knew my car wouldn't be fixed. But now my insurance company said that my payment for that month was processed the day after my accident, so i wasn't insured on the day of the accident. I just found this out, and i want to know what will happen now that my insurance wont pay for the damages? will the other people's insurance sue me? All answers are appreciated! Thanks!



What are the best websites to get car insurance quotes from different companies in New York City?

What are the best websites to get car insurance quotes from different companies in New York City?



Car insurance problem?

I moved recently from California to Arizona for a new job. About a week ago, I received a letter in the mail from the California DMV stating that if I don't get at least liability insurance on my car, my car's registration will be nullified. The insurance company I had while in California only services California. My dad suggested that I call that company and tell them that my job is only temporary for a few months (so that I might get my old policy back). I think that during my move, I neglected to pay my car insurance bills because when I log on to the site to check the status of my account, they don't have a listing for me. I know this might be a little confusing but I think what I need to do is get my car registered in Arizona, get insurance out here and then call the California DMV and tell them that I moved. I just want to know if that is the proper procedure for my circumstance. Thank you. I really hope this makes sense.



How much would this car cost?

Hello, I was wondering hypothetically speaking, if I bought the new 2012 Ford Mustang GT. Im under 18 (I would use my moms credit). And how much is insurance on a sports car when you under 18? Im looking for a range for the insurance. I know people say I can't give you an answer because of blah blah blah get a quote. Like I was told like 150 a month? I live in a town in Northern Ohio low crime rate. You people think it would be like 100-300 a month?



Affordable insurance plans??

Hello! I am a 21 year old mother of 2 ( a 13 mo. old and a 26. mo. old) My husband and I do not qualify for medicaid (apparently you have to be dang near homeless) and we need health insurance. He has a heart condition (hes 25! ) and I tend to get sick alot! lol anyone have any ideas for affordable health insurance?? ( under $100 /mo if possible) thanks for your time, Be Blessed!



How much will my insurance increase after a MINOR fender bender? (ballpark figure please)?

After 11 years of error free driving and on-time insurance payments, I managed to back into someone in a parking lot going about 1 mph. My car was NOT damaged, except for a scraped bumper sticker. The other driver had cosmetic damage only, and being the good guy that I am I gladly helped her navigate the insurance claim. I figured that if it was my car that was dented, I would want it taken care of. Do onto others, right? Anyway, the total payout of the claim was $556. That's roughly seven months of my premium payment. So, how much can I expect to see added to my yearly premium? 10%? 20%? more? Also, how long will it take to recover back to my previous rate? Finally, considering that I've paid this company much more than $556 over the years, how much of an increase should I accept before I start looking for a new carrier? This is technically my second insurance company - I was on my parents policy until I was 22 (I'm 27 now). So I haven't been with them forever, but I am not ready to jump ship unless they really screw me. Thanks!



Im needing insurance for myself and my son?

im looking into getting some health insurance for myself and my son! im 43 and hes 18months! Anyone who has insurance, lend me some info on where you got it! thanks



Why do sompanies like State Farm require you to pass a credit check?

What are they looking for because I do have a few things like a medical bill here and there but nothing more than 5,000 total



Why is my car insurance so much cheaper than other companies?

i was looking around for auto insurance to see if there was anything cheaper than what im paying now. im a 20 year old male with a 2005 scion tc. i have been driving for about 2 years and currently use state farm. when i first insured my car 2 years ago, i was paying $148/mo. due to a speeding ticket, it has risen to $194/mo. i also have comprehensive and collision with a $500 deductible. $100,000/$300,000 coverage with full glass also. not complaining, i think this is great i looked at nationwide, allstate, geico, and progressive. these companies are supposed to be so great, but progressive quoted me at $485/mo for the same coverage! the other companies where all in that general area. progressives state minimum coverage plan for me was almost $300/mo. why do these other companies cost so much more? im not complaining about mine, obviously im not gonna switch, but i am curious as to the difference in price.



Is Sumner Insurance a good company for auto?

I received a quote through AIS or some other multi-serve insurance quote gatherer for a good rate if I choose to pay lump sum. I don't know if Sumner Insurance is a good company and I am sort of nervous to get a policy with them. AAA for me would be 941 yr and this company is about 680 a year or 1020 if I pay in installments. It seems too good to be true, but if it were, I'd be very happy. If you know somebody who has insurance through them or have insurance through them, please let me know what you think and if they're decent.



Best Medical Insurance for autistic toddler in california ?

My child is 3 years old and she is a diagnosed as high functioning with autism, Im fed up with dentical and medical insurance, Im looking into a new paid insurance for her. What insurance in california is best for a toddler with autism? Anyone know the benefits of the two...Price is not really an issue..



Health Insurance claims in LA?

How long must health insurance claims be kept on file in Louisiana hospitals and healthcare facilities?



Who sells the cheapest motorcycle insurance?

Who sells the cheapest motorcycle insurance?



What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance?

what is the absolute most shitty dirt cheap motorcycle insurance you can buy in the state of california?



Anyone bought a trampoline, put it up and then have an insurance company demand you take it down or drop you?

Insurance company has demanded trampoline come down. Saftety nets, adult supervisor followed to a T . Spent good amount of $$$ on it! Been up for less than a year. Under warranty. Anyone have any suggestions?



1993 camaro car insurance?

I'm looking to buy a 1993 used camaro with a v8 engine and 145k miles on it off craigslist. I just need to know how much the car insurance will cost me. I'm 16 turning 17 in a month. I get A's and B's in school (someone once told me grades help lower car insurance) and havnt gotten into any accidents yet. i know you guys can't give me and accurate price but i just want a general price range from any company. i'm trying to find a really cheap car insurance. so can someone please tell me a general price range i might end up paying for the car?



What is an affordable insurance for my child?

Im looking for an affordable insurance company for my daughter that has decent copays and covers dental, eye, meds etc. Ive been looking online but cant seem to find what im looking for. If anyone has any experience or suggestions your help is appreciated. Thank you!



Affordable Health Insurance for Student in MA?

Hi, if you go to school in MA, you would know that the insurance company offered by school are overpriced. I'm looking for affordable, low-cost, health insurance for college student in Massachusetts. Thank you.


Please Help. Need to Budget car Insurance $80/ mo and gas $100/mo on Social Services Budget?

Need to Budget car Insurance $80/ mo and gas $100/mo on Social Services Budget I was part of the middle of the middle class who had graduated college and had lost their job. I have been looking for more work but with things the way they are, it has been a challenge. I understand that the economy has hit most of us pretty hard with money being tight for many and social services might have been used in the past by those who may not have respected what it was meant for. Many of us thought we never would be financially tested this way but this is whats happening. I have gratitude that this system is in place for us when we fall so we have what we need to get back on our feet when things or times get hard. I have never been on social services aka welfare before but I have a situation. To start I live in New York. Laws might be different depending on your state. I did lose my job and have been looking for work. In the moment, I am financially dependent on my boyfriend to support me. He has a job that pays our bills. He did some things and the relationship changed into awkwardness and it's just over. I am still dependent on his income but have been looking into social services as an option while I am still looking for work for myself. From what I understand, social services pays a max of about $430 per month when a person is unemployed. This is for everythingThey give nothing else or extra for rent, utilities or anything else. After a lot of searching I found a room for rent for $429 a month that includes everything. It is not in the safest places for a woman that these rents are so cheap but I did find them. Finding rooms for rent that fit within this budget has been a challenge. I was told food could be provided by food stamps and other resources. My concern is, as I'm looking at these numbers, how I am going to pay for my car insurance and gas. I have an older Hyundai and insurance is $80 per month. Gas is a conservative minimum of $100 per month. My question: I do need my car to get off the system while looking for work and getting whatever I can start all over with. How can I pay for car insurance ($80/mo) and gas ($100/mo) while on welfare aka social services. .


Can an insurance company drop your auto insurance any time?

I have had 3 claims in 4 years. The first two claims where while living in another state. I since moved and just put in my third claim today (first claim with this company). My insurance payment really isn't all that high, about $75 monthly. The lady told me today that it would go up 10% if the cost was over $750. (it will be) She said this didn't effect my insurability or anything, but what if I had another accident in a year?? The real question is, can an insurance company drop you for any reason at any time? Some have said no, only within the first 60 days, others say yes, absolutely any time. What's the right answer?



Car Insurance Gangsters :(?

Car insurance for me is $7500 for 6 months? That's buying my car twice !! Idk why I didn't wait and be patient. Now I feel like I'm stuck with this car that I just purchased because there's no way I can afford that kind of car insurance. That's just unbelievable. I've been researching and researching and I finally felt like I was ready to start driving. I see people my age on forums saying they only pay $200 a month so I figured I would be paying around there maybe even a bit more but $1000 a month? Smh,, I can't do that. I don't know what to do. Should I try to sell the car I just purchased? I signed the papers and all smh. That's just ridiculous. Almost $1500 a month smh. Idk what to do man, please give me some advice. Maybe there's a not so good insurance company that can insure me for cheap? I don't plan on getting into any accidents. I don't even think I want to drive anymore, that quote has me going nuts right now.



Totaled my car and my insurance company will no cover car rental?

I have Mercury car insurance and I pay for ful coverage, I just totaled my 12 month old Camry and now my agent is telling me that I do not have access to a rental car, that the only more



Would insurance be cheaper on a 99-01 mustang GT than on a newer 02-04 for a new driver?

I was thinking about getting a mustang GT sometime after I turn 18 and after I get a job. Right now im 16 and have no license but im going to take drivers ed soon.



I am buying a used innova car, will the car insurance be in my name?

The car is having a loan of Rs 350000/- & i am planing to take over the loan. But if any thing happens to the car in the loan period will the insurance company pay to me or the owner who has made the insurance.



How much does Alstate raise your insurance for a new teen driver?

I'm 17 and ill be put on my parents insurance,How much extra will it coast a month? I took drivers Ed which lowers it too. I have an 06 ford explorer if that matters.



Help with teen car insurance?!?

on average how much do you pay for your car insurance as a teen and with what company? oh, and where you live?



Car insurance for 17 yr old in south texas?

what is the cheapest car insurance for a 17 yr old in south texas v8 2007 mustang standard went thru and passed driving school with about a B+ gets good grades in school no crashes or tickets of any kind the car is paid off gonna get married after highschool around 18 1/2 yrs black car the mother has USAA is this cheaper than most places?



How much would an urgent care visit cost with out insurance for strep throat?

I live in California, and I have strep throat. I know that OTC don't work to cure this so I need to go to urgent care. I'm most likely going to go to please!



Affordable kids health insurance in Florida?

I recently got a new job, and my income combined with my husbands will be *just* over 200% of the Federal Poverty Level, making us ineligible for the $20/month payment for Medikids. It would cost $160 for each of our 2 children to continue this full coverage/no co-pay insurance. We cannot afford this. What are some other options? We definitely cannot afford insurance for the whole family.



Do i need insurance to be under my name when taking my drivers test?

so im taking my drivers test soon and i need to know if i have to get insurance under my name on the mom does have insurance on the car i will be using but only under her will i have to add my name to the insurance just to take the drivers test? i live in california



Girlfriend as spouse for auto insurance?

What could happen to me if I claim my girlfriend as my spouse on my auto insurance quote to get a better quote?



How much would it cost to insure a Toyota 1985 corolla AE86?

I'm 18 and I am still under my parents insurance. I've only been driving on my own for a month or so. The car is a two door coupe.



Why are my insurance quotes higher when I list an accident I was not at fault for?

I've been getting online insurance quotes lately because I am getting a new car that will be more expensive to insure and I think my insurance now is already too high. So as part more



Renters Insurance? What Kind? Is it really worth it?

I am renting a condo from a friend, got a good deal, just signed the lease, he recomended that i get Renters Insurance because he said damages I make to the place or to other owners in the condo I am responsible, even if something happens to me, the insurance would help. Now I would like to know any good insurance agents (e.g Geico) should i get Renters/or Condo , not new to this, want a good rate yet want good coverage for damage, fire, theft you know.



I have a NJ DUI, How much will my insurance go up?

I got a dui in NJ, no accident involved, how much will my insurance go up per month, if i pay 168 per month now? I would like some personal examples, etc.



Need insurance quote for 73 Mustang Mach 1?

I would just like to get an idea from a person who knows a lot about insurance at what I would be looking to pay. It's the long weekend here in Canada and no insurance companies are open, and I cannot get a quote online because of the year of the vehicle. What I am looking to buy is a 73 Mustang Mach 1. I am 21 years old. The car value is 15,000 It will be driven less then 1000KM a year No substantial modifications. I haven't had any speeding (or otherwise) tickets I will be the primary driver. Vehicle is in good shape Um any other details I am missing? let me know.



Loan insurance?

is it worth getting loan insurance? or is the whole thing a big scam



Can you get insurance with just the chassis number for a new car/bike?

I'm trying to buy a new bike and in order to register it i need an insurance certificate. The trouble is all insurance companies i've tried getting quotes from online only do insurance with the registration number. Does anyone know of any that do it with the chassis number??



Car Accident and Insurance?

On 7/24 I was at a Dairy Queen drive thru the person behind me hit the truck I was driving. I was looking at her in the rear view mirror the entire time. She had a cigarette hanging from her mouth that was unlit and she eventually backed up after hitting me. I got out of the truck and looked and I did not see any damage. She then said I didn't move you hit me I then told her No I did not hit you I am in front of you and this truck was never in reverse. Since there was no damage to the truck I did not bother getting any of her information since it was not my fault. On 7/27 I got a call from the police saying she told them I hit her. I gave them my side of the story and they said she had a witness who was a passenger in her car and they will be in touch. I also let them know I had a witness as well. The cop called me back yesterday and wanted to get my insurance information so her and I could exchange information. My question is do I have to give my insurance information to this cop? I did not hit this woman and I think she is trying to get one over on the insurance company. The cop said yesterday I'm surprised the truck does not have any damage because her car does have damage. This truck was a rental truck which was inspected at the time it was dropped back off at the rental company obviously there was no damage to it. This woman looked like she was on something to begin with and I'm guessing she was not paying attention probably looking for a lighter and let off the break and hit me. Which I still don't see how her car would be so damaged. I don't want this con artist having my information. So should I tell the cop I am not giving him my insurance information and tell her to take it to court? Should I get a lawyer? I'm not sure what to do I am 29 years old and I have never been in a accident so I am not sure how to go about this but I know this woman is trying to pull a fast one and I am not going to sit back and let it happen.



New Driving Licence - Insurance?

Okay Heres the plan! Im 18! Ive passed my driving test today, and looking for car insurance the cheapest way ive found is using my mothers policy with 19 years experiance with no claims ever, however shes never had her own policy.. were going to share the same car 1.6 escort 16v quite a hefty engine for my age yeah but still cheapest i can get it, is 1900 Any tips to make it cheaper, or what ever Ive tried all the top brands, equity, tesco, aa, ,quinn direct, churchill, direct line etc so far quinn is the cheapest.. but the first initial premium month is too much to pay (400) help!



How much is a speeding ,no insurance,and without id ticket can cost in Augusta Georgia?

my daughter was caught speeding,no license,no insurance,how much does the tickets total?



What is the cost of insurance when renting a car in USA?

Hello, I want to rent a car. I do not own a car and nor the insurance. I want to know how much I have to pay for the insurance cost. I am above 25yrs of age. Thanks.



Can I get fire/theft only car insurance in UK?

I currently pay around 1200 per year insurance on my new car. Recent job change though mean I only use it maybe 3 or 4 times a month, and with one day comprehensive insurance available from just 11, thought it might save me some money just to insure the car the days I use it... IF theft insurance is cheap enough. When not in use the car is in my garage so not going to cause any third party damage to anyone..



What are some good, low cost family health insurance plans for us...?

My husband and I need health insurance. He is a full time student and I am full time worker. We cannot get decent health insurance through his school or my work. We are looking for a low deductable, 0% coinsurance, and we need something with great maternity coverage, since we're planning on starting a family soon. If you know of any great plans like this, please share! Thank you for your help!


Please Help. Need to Budget car Insurance $80/ mo and gas $100/mo on Social Services Budget?

Need to Budget car Insurance $80/ mo and gas $100/mo on Social Services Budget I was part of the middle of the middle class who had graduated college and had lost their job. I have been looking for more work but with things the way they are, it has been a challenge. I understand that the economy has hit most of us pretty hard with money being tight for many and social services might have been used in the past by those who may not have respected what it was meant for. Many of us thought we never would be financially tested this way but this is whats happening. I have gratitude that this system is in place for us when we fall so we have what we need to get back on our feet when things or times get hard. I have never been on social services aka welfare before but I have a situation. To start I live in New York. Laws might be different depending on your state. I did lose my job and have been looking for work. In the moment, I am financially dependent on my boyfriend to support me. He has a job that pays our bills. He did some things and the relationship changed into awkwardness and it's just over. I am still dependent on his income but have been looking into social services as an option while I am still looking for work for myself. From what I understand, social services pays a max of about $430 per month when a person is unemployed. This is for everythingThey give nothing else or extra for rent, utilities or anything else. After a lot of searching I found a room for rent for $429 a month that includes everything. It is not in the safest places for a woman that these rents are so cheap but I did find them. Finding rooms for rent that fit within this budget has been a challenge. I was told food could be provided by food stamps and other resources. My concern is, as I'm looking at these numbers, how I am going to pay for my car insurance and gas. I have an older Hyundai and insurance is $80 per month. Gas is a conservative minimum of $100 per month. My question: I do need my car to get off the system while looking for work and getting whatever I can start all over with. How can I pay for car insurance ($80/mo) and gas ($100/mo) while on welfare aka social services. .


What happens if u get caught driving a car without insurance?

what fines or punishments do u get driving a car without insurance or registration in ontario? Also, what happens if you get caught driving with a g1? and both?



What's the average penalty for driving without insurance in England?

What sort of fine, and how many points?



Auto insurance estimate?

new driver ( Licensed in 2013), accident free When I go to pick up the vehicle at the dealership, will they ask me if I want to pay the insurance monthly or annual? ( or do I have to ask ) Id really prefer monthly payments instead age 20. use of vehicle - work/school less than 15km 2011 Audi S4 Thanks.



Will my car isurance be cheaper if Im a second driver on someone else's policy?

My insurnce got terminated due to ONE missed payment, I tried talking to my previous insurers but to no avail, I have a claim still to be resolved, hence any new quote is coming bak with ridiulous premiums. So I was wondering if I add my name as second driver on someone else's policy will it be cheaper? Please help. I need to get back on the road as soon as possible, my job depends on it.



Why are my insurance quotes coming to 20-40k?

Ok so i know insurance in London will be alot for a student like me who is 17, but why is it my friends are getting insurance for 2k in london and when i enter correct information on quote websites (obvisouly acting as if i am 17) that my quotes are coming to 44k, what should i do when it comes to getting my own policy? thansk



Question on using to insurance to pay for something?

if i went to the doctors and used insurance to pay for it would my parents get a statement that says i used it and what it was for ?



What is the best affordable dental insurance.?

How much for 1 person and is there a deductible? (Wow I actually have a serious question.)



Car insurance questions (Still on parent's plan)?

I have a few questions... Is there a set age where I can no longer be on my mom's car insurance? Or is it completely up to her? For example can two adults (both in their 40's) be on the same insurance? I am 19. I currently live with my mom. If I were to move out, can I still be on her insurance? If I don't go to college, can I still be on her insurance? I heard you need to be a full time student to be on a parent's insurance? If I were to buy a car, would it have to be in her name?



What is the cheapest car for a 17 year old with cheap insurance?

Im nearly 17 and am looking for a car, of autotrader or something? Preferably cheap and cheap on insurance? Thanks



Suspended liscense and car insurance?

So in two more months my license suspension will be over from a dui. First of all the type of dui that I got from what I've been told isn't as bad as the real one seeing as I got a dui for blowing a 0.3 but being under 21 makes it illegal at any alcohol level. My dui is considered and infraction so no criminal record but still not sure if this goes in my driving record. When I get my license back and look for car insurance will I have to pay extra for insurance for having a dui infraction?



Can I own a car, but be covered under my mom's insurance policy?

Im 17, and I live in Indiana. Right now I own a car, but the title is in my mom's name, and I am insured as the only driver of that car under her insurance policy. Can more



Can anyone give examples of how much their auto insurance went up in New Jersey (or another state) after a DWI

I recently received a DWI conviction in S. Jersey (my first offense) and was wondering how much local insurance companies will raise my rate? If anyone has experienced this I'd really appreciate knowing how much their rates rose. Also, is there any certain companies that give better rates to those who have DWI convictions? I appreciate any help. Thanks!



Is car insurance cheaper in the US compared to UK?

Is car insurance cheaper in the US compared to UK? wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't since you are allowed to start driving at the age of 16 in US.



What does it mean Going of your parents car insurance? ?

I heard that you can register the car to my parents car insurance and it will be loads cheaper for myself, but its apparently fraud? What could happen? If I crash my car should I just leave it and run?



How much is the avg car insurance for a 17 year old living in Toronto?

that's with driving school under my belt and having an average over 70% in school (cause apparently that cuts your rates) i dont need an exact number cause everyone is diff, and i don't need a link to one of those things taht calculate it for you cause i don't have the patience lol.



I need cat insurance?

Does anybody know of pet/cat insurance in california that is affordable?



Responsible Insurance company won't pay up.?

Long story short. Not my fault. The guy backed into my car. It was parked to sell it. So no insurance policy on it. My BF and I were sitting in the car out of the rain writting out a new for sale sign. The car vibrated like crazy when we drove it to move it back to my place. The guys insurance company didn't even check the alignment or add it to the estimate. The other estimates don't even include the alignment. There could be more damage. I decided to get cash to another car. I have not signed anything yet or recived the check. My car is worth about 2K. It wouldn't be worth it to fix it. Insurance Company $1013.76 Auto Body Shop $1162.00 Ford Dealership $1284.90 Les Schwab Alignment $90.00 361.14 difference. I asked to raise their quote. The Insurance company said no. If I had go to an auto body repair shop of my choice with 1013.76 they would call and ask for them to kick down more money. I am going to notify the insurance company that in writting that I am taking them to small claims court. Any ideas on the letter that I submitt? My BF and I were injured. The medical people are refusing to bill the insurance company responsible. They wanted me to pay up front and get rembursed later or have some other insurance cover it. I didn't want to wait. I used my work health insurance. So they are getting the bill. Any way I can get the Car insurance company billed?



Will I go to jail for not having health insurance?

Will I go to jail for not having health insurance?



What is usps $100 insurance included mean? Do i have to pay for it?

i order something from a third party amazon seller and today when i track my order it said: Features: $100 insurance included...what does this mean? do i have to pay extra?



Can you have car insurance in a different name than the title?

I have never had car insurance in my name before and I am 20 so I am getting quoted from every company for at least 300 a month. The car i'm planning on buying is a 2007-2010 mazdaspeed3. Would I be able to have the car insurance in my fathers name while the title of the car is under my name?



I'm looking for car insurance, is the General a good car insurance? Are they reliable?

I have 21st century and my premium is high, so I looked into the General and they're only charging me half of what I'm used to, but in case of an accident, do they really back you up. I have heard of some crooked companies, would this be one among them.



Motorcycle insurance and licensing.?

I'm going to get a motorcycle, I'm wondering how much it will cost me to get a Class 6 license in BC, Canada, while I don't have one for cars. And also, how much do you think I will pay for insurance? Just the bare minimum, to keep me legal? Thanks...



Do I qualify for federal health insurance?

My parents don't get insurance through their jobs, and they can't afford private insurance. My parents and I are currently enrolled in an assistance program through our local hospital. I go to a private university that requires for students to have some type of health insurance. If the student doesn't have health insurance, the school charges the student $1,000 for the school insurance. Since I am 19 years old, I no longer qualify for CHIPS, which I've had all my life. I am a full time student, I am a U.S. citizen, I am in Texas, my parents are low income, I don't have proof of a job (I'm a nanny and get paid in cash). Online resources are confusing. But is there any federal insurance program that I may be eligible for?




if someone doesnt have insurance, which is better? primary or excess? why?



Volkswagen beetle (2004) insurance?

I'm 17, starting to drive... All the quotes I have been getting for small cars like yaris's, cluo's, ka's etc, have ranged from 5 to 9 grand. I checked Tue insurance for a 2004 vw beetle, that ranged from 2 to 4 grand. Why are they cheaper than smaller cars?


Please Help. Need to Budget car Insurance $80/ mo and gas $100/mo on Social Services Budget?

Need to Budget car Insurance $80/ mo and gas $100/mo on Social Services Budget I was part of the middle of the middle class who had graduated college and had lost their job. I have been looking for more work but with things the way they are, it has been a challenge. I understand that the economy has hit most of us pretty hard with money being tight for many and social services might have been used in the past by those who may not have respected what it was meant for. Many of us thought we never would be financially tested this way but this is whats happening. I have gratitude that this system is in place for us when we fall so we have what we need to get back on our feet when things or times get hard. I have never been on social services aka welfare before but I have a situation. To start I live in New York. Laws might be different depending on your state. I did lose my job and have been looking for work. In the moment, I am financially dependent on my boyfriend to support me. He has a job that pays our bills. He did some things and the relationship changed into awkwardness and it's just over. I am still dependent on his income but have been looking into social services as an option while I am still looking for work for myself. From what I understand, social services pays a max of about $430 per month when a person is unemployed. This is for everythingThey give nothing else or extra for rent, utilities or anything else. After a lot of searching I found a room for rent for $429 a month that includes everything. It is not in the safest places for a woman that these rents are so cheap but I did find them. Finding rooms for rent that fit within this budget has been a challenge. I was told food could be provided by food stamps and other resources. My concern is, as I'm looking at these numbers, how I am going to pay for my car insurance and gas. I have an older Hyundai and insurance is $80 per month. Gas is a conservative minimum of $100 per month. My question: I do need my car to get off the system while looking for work and getting whatever I can start all over with. How can I pay for car insurance ($80/mo) and gas ($100/mo) while on welfare aka social services. .